Community based renewables- Saerbeck
Financing Model
The programme delivery structure behind the Climate Community Saerbeck is actually a tight cooperation between Energiemanagement Saerbeck, which is the Project Management structure of the municipality and the Klimabeirat or the climate advisory/steering committee established by the Mayor of Saerbeck. This committee consists of 12-14 individuals from the local community (residents, scientists, economists, engineers,…), including the project manager, a communications manager and the Mayor.
Energiemanagement Saerbeck plays a crucial role when addressing energy issues and the implementation of the Climate Concept. It has the expert knowledge, acts as translator and communicator in the outside society and towards energy institutions such as the Deutsche Energie-Agentur (German Energy Agency) or the Bundesverband WindEnergie (German Wind Energy Association).
It acts as marketer, promotor, coordinator and project manager of the Climate Community’s energy transition strategy. This is all the more true for the role of the project manager who liaises people and individual projects with the overall Climate concept of Saerbeck.
The Klimabeirat represents a broad range of stakeholders and actors such as the educational sector, citizens associations, the Municipality of Saerbeck, the agricultural sector, schools & kindergarten, external experts, regional authorities, industry and businesses, financial institutions and other local partners. The steering group was called to develop the climate change adaptation and mitigation concept, to work out the strategy, the goals and the planning process with key roles for the Mayor, with whom final decisions lay, and the planner.
The working of the Climate Community is also supported by the Förderverein, a booster club of the citizens of Saerbeck.
Financial support came from different sources and parties such as the 1,1 M€ grant from the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia thanks to winning the Energy competition of 2008, the staff cost of a project manager financed by the Federal Environmental Ministry or the work and effort put in by the staff of the municipality and especially the Mayor and some other grants from NRW and from European Union level.
The community (citizens, farmers, municipality, businesses, local banks, regional partners,…) has invested over 70M € in different RES projects. These projects have been fully funded locally and regionally. .
It achieved the:
Installation of 438 PV units on the roofs of the private houses and schools
Building of a transparent central heating plant
Construction of a bioenergy park hosting:
- 7 wind turbines
- 1 PV park with 24,000 panels
- 1 biogas plant
- 1 composting plant
The community runs its own local energy grid.
The community has electricity generation capacity of near 40MW and produces 3,5 times more renewable energy than its local consumption and the annual per capita CO2 emissions have decreased from 9 tons to 5,5 tons.
Ferrières-Str. 11
48369 Saerbeck
- Hoppe Thomas, Graf Antonia, Warbroek Beau, Lammers Imke and Lepping Isabella, Local Governments Supporting Local Energy Initiatives: Lessons from the Best Practices of Saerbeck Germany) and Lochem (The Netherlands), 11 February 2015
- Marcus Hannah, Saerbeck’s Entwicklung als Klimakommune, Facharbeit für das Fach Erdkunde, 30 March 2011
- Roos Wilfried, Biogas as contribution to local climate protection, 2nd German-Japanese Biomass Day, Tokyo University, 07 November 2014
- Waeltring Frank, MADE IN SAERBECK. Involving complex and systemic requirements to encourage local climate change innovations, 2012
- Wallraven Guido, Saerbeckplus - A Community On Its Way To A Future With Renewable Energies, 02 September 2013
- RES Champions League 2013, The Best European Renewable Municipalities, 2013
- Nawaro-Biogasanlage im Bioenergiepark Saerbeck, EnergiAgentur NRW Germany, no date
- Saerbeck. A community lives the energy turnaround, brochure from Municipality of Saerbeck, August 2014
- Project information sheet: Feasibilitiy study transformation and storage of energy at the site of the Bioenergiepark Saerbeck, Municipality of Saerbeck, 2014
- Saerbeck. A NRW community lives the energy turnaround, EnergieAgentur.NRW, April 2013
- Haushalt 2013, Budget 2013, Municipality of Saerbeck, 2014
- Energieneutraal Saerbeck zeer inspirerend, GNMF Gelderse Natuur en Milieufederatie,¤t_number=2&pr..., 20 May 2014