Rotterdam Green Buildings
Rotterdamse Groene Gebpuwen (Rotterdam Green Buildings) relates to the retrofitting of Rotterdam’s municipal property and is an important component of the Municipality of Rotterdam’s approach to climate mitigation in Rotterdam. The programme intends to enhance the sustainability of the municipal property by improving its energy performance and reducing its CO2 footprint, by optimising its maintenance and by improving indoor climate and comfort based on the principle of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC).
It is one of the programmes of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI), a climate programme started in 2007 by the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Port of Rotterdam, Deltalinqs (employers’ organisation) and DCMR (Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond). With this programme the municipality contributes to the ambition of the Rotterdam Climate Initiative which targets to reduce the emissions of CO2 with 50%, for the city as well as for the port, by 2025 relative to 1990, to become 100% climate change resilient and to strengthen the Rotterdam economy.
The programme’s ambition is to enhance, in the long run, the sustainability of its whole core municipal property or social purpose real estate. The whole municipal property is relates to about 3500 buildings and some 1700 buildings are considered to belong to the core portfolio. This core portfolio includes swimming pools, sports halls, offices, schools, museums and theatres.
Its approach is to pool or cluster buildings of the same type in order to increase the scale of the project, thus increasing its purchasing power and allow for transaction costs and energy efficiency optimisation.
The municipality planned to have 4 clusters tendered for retrofitting by 2014.
The pilot project of the programme related to a first cluster of buildings to be made sustainable through building retrofit and EPC contracting. It concerned 9 swimming pools considered to be major energy consumers within the municipal property. This first cluster was tendered in 2010 and got awarded to the ESCO in 2011.
After execution and experiences with the pilot project the municipality launched in 2014, with two other municipalities, two additional tenders relating to one cluster offices/workplaces (with the municipality of Schiedam) and one cluster of buildings with public function (with the municipality of Vlaardingen). So far only the municipality of Rottterdam’s portion of the cluster offices/workspace has been awarded.
The programme received European Regional Development Funding through INTERREG North-West Europe (NWE), a Programme of the European Union to promote the economic, environmental, social and territorial future of the North-West Europe area.
The City of Rotterdam has invested about 1M € in the process costs of the pilot project.