
Project Partners

Climate Alliance

Project Coordinator

For more than 25 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples, pairing local action with global responsibility. With some 1,700 members spread across 26 European countries, Climate Alliance is the world’s largest city network dedicated to climate action and the only one to set tangible climate targets: each member city, town and district is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent every 5 years. The network fosters cooperation with indigenous peoples, runs awareness raising campaigns and provides ample opportunity for exchange. Climate Alliance also develops tools for climate action planning, carries out projects with and for its members and represents member interests at the national, European and international levels.

Contact Person: 
Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR)

CEMR brings together more than 150 000 municipalities, cities and regions federated through 60 national associations from 41 European countries. CEMR promotes the construction of a united, peaceful and democratic Europe, founded upon local self-government and respect for the principle of subsidiarity. To achieve this goal, it works to reinforce the local and regional contribution to the European decision-making process, to influence law and policy and to exchange experiences at local and regional level. In particular, CEMR has dedicated one of its five focus areas to resource efficiency and environment.

Contact Person: 
Maria Giovanna Zamburlini

GreLiège (Groupement de Redéploiement Economique de Liège) is a development agency for Liège province in Belgium. It acts as an incubator for large development projects in the region. One of its strategic axis is energy. GRELiège has recently launched retrofitting projects of the university and the university hospital (30 million euros), as well as a large retrofitting project within 10 different public authorities in the province, worth minimum 40 million euro investment. As GRELiège has already set up a dedicated structure/a public ESCO in Liege province, it will work closely with the pilot regions, in order to ensure similar dynamic, adapted to the region’s specificities.

Contact Person: 
Sofia Energy Centre

Sofia Energy Centre (SEC) is a Bulgarian consultancy specialised in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, information dissemination and promotion of innovative energy technologies. SEC has been active in assisting local and regional authorities with development and implementation of sustainable energy policies.  SEC has experience in securing financing for local sustainable energy actions, promotion of public- private partnerships, ESCO schemes, etc. SEC has advised local actors on building life-cycle assessment, tools for improving energy performance in buildings, market assessment and practical installation of energy efficient building materials.

Contact Person: 
Ivanka Pandelieva
Info Murcia

Info Murcia (Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia), is a Regional Development Agency in Murcia. INFO Murcia is linked to the Regional Ministry of InduistUniversities, Enterprises and Research of the regional government. It is responsible for co-ordinating most of aspects of regional economic development, including promotion of technical and financial services to regional SMEs, building soft infrastructures such as Technological or Business Innovation Centres, and attracting investment to the region. Thus, INFO is considered to be a driving force behind the regional economy, promoting and supporting regional business sector through different aid mechanisms and technical services provided for the improvement of business competitiveness in the Murcia Region Murcia, Spain.

Contact Person: is the European federation of citizen-led community initiatives for renewable energy and energy efficiency. This brand new federation represents the interest of both citizens and REScoops towards European policy makers and advocates for an energy transition towards energy democracy. organises advocacy meetings, information workshops and exchange sessions in various European Member States. also promotes the REScoop business model and supports the start-up of new REScoops by providing them with useful tools. is working on a financial facilitation service for its members. Today the federation represents the interest of 1.200 European REScoops with an annual RES production of 1.500.000.000 kWh.

Contact Person: 
Daan Creupelandt

Energinvest is a strategic, financial and operational consulting firm specializing in the design, implementation, evaluation and funding of investment programs and energy efficiency projects for private and public clients. Energinvest has expertise in third-party financing mechanisms, energy performance contracting (EPC), energy public-private partnerships (EPPP) and public-private third party investment (TPI) social models in the energy efficiency sector. Present in France and Belgium, Energinvest has been managing public and private ESCO/TPF companies in financing energy efficiency and EPC projects.

Contact Person: 
Lieven Vanstraelen