
Eandis EDLB

Eandis is the electricity and gas distribution company for a significant part of the Flanders region. In fact it is an operating company created by 7 local distribution companies, owned by municipalities, that are shareholders of Eandis.

In the past, under Flemish policy directives, Eandis (as well as another distribution company, called Infrax) had a public general service obligation to assist its shareholders (municipalities, cities, provinces) with energy conservation measures (e.g free energy bookkeeping, free energy audits, etc.).

In 2010, this role was extended with a “public ESCO” role, consisting of accompanying cities, municipalities, and provinces in studying, implementing and financing energy saving investments in their public buildings. The driver is very often the engagement of these local authorities under the Covenant of Mayors.

Eandis, through its EDLB (Energiediensten voor Lokale Besturen or Energy Services for Local Authorities) service offering, plays the role of an integrator, subcontracting energy audits, engineering and technical specifications and works to the private sector through a “separate contractor based model”. Projects typically include boiler replacements, roof insulation, window replacement, relamping and relighting, HVAC regulation and PV solar panels.