With a lively discussion on how to facilitate access to energy efficiency investments for local authorities, CITYnvest warmly invites you to participate to its event taking place during the Sustainable Energy Week, focusing on clean energy for all Europeans.
The event is built around the discussion of policy recommendations on the three pillars of the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings. The event brings local actors together with an expert panel including representatives from the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the high-Level expert group on sustainable finance.
Erika Honnay (GRE Liege - Pilot region Liege) will represent the CITYnvest project.
The session titled Accelerating the clean energy transition: financing energy efficiency at the local level will take place in Brussels, Wednesday 21 June at the Résidence Palace, Salle Maelbeek at 11:00 - 12:30. Local authorities, finance stakeholders and EU as well as national policy makers are welcome to join the discussion
The event is a joint effort of: Climate Alliance, CEMR, European Climate Foundation, Energy Cities, EUROCITIES, ARENE ILE DE FRANCE and REScoop.eu. It is also supported by the CITYnvest and INFINITE Solutions projects.
CITYnvest team