
CITYnvest Barriers Tool

The CITYnvest Barriers tool tackles investment barriers when designing your local energy efficiency programs

The barriers guidance tool helps local authorities to overcome specific barriers when designing and implementing their energy efficiency renovation programmes. Common barriers range from low demand from building owners to limited staff resources in the local authority or a lack of Energy Service Companies on the market. Depending on the barrier a local authority faces, the tool recommends specific actions and helps identifying reference models that have dealt with similar challenges. 

Access all Reference models here!

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Scheme Decision Criteria Barrier Action, if barrier is present Reference models
Implementation Model Lack of ESCO players on the market  

You need to consider Separate Contractor Based model


Fedesco, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Energies POSIT’IF, Saerbeck, OxFutures, Brixton Energy Co-op, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie
Lack of trust in EPC/ESC contract models If lack of trust, choose Separate Contractor Based models  

Fedesco, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Energies POSIT’IF, Saerbeck, OxFutures, Brixton Energy Co-op, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie



Local ESCO market practices do not meet the program level of ambition (e.g. in case of deep retrofit)


If local ESCO market practices do not meet the program level of ambition, choose Separate Contractor Based models Fedesco, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Energies POSIT’IF, Saerbeck, OxFutures, Brixton Energy Co-op, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie
Operating Services Lack of demand from potential beneficiaries (building owners)  

You need to include marketing services in the PDU’s business model in order to increase awareness


All, except Rotterdam Green Buildings

The size of the projects (in terms of energy consumption, energy savings and/or investment potentials) are too small to be economically viable (e.g. in relation to transaction costs or energy savings levels) or too small to be attractive for the supply market


You should include aggregation services in the PDU’s business model BERLIN, RE:FIT, Vlaams Energiebedrijf, Fedesco, Energies POSIT’IF, Rotterdam Green Buildings, Milan, ENSAMB, Brixtion Energy Co-op, PadovaFIT!
Limited financial resources available to fund the PDU You  should envisage facilitation services only  

REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, Vlaams Energiebedrijf, OSER, Fedesco, Eco’Energies, Energies POSIT’IF, OxFutures, Rotterdam Green Buildings, Milan, ENSAMB, Brixton Energy Co-op, EERFS, SUNShINE, PadovaFIT!


The Separate Contractor Based model is the only available implementation model You should envisage integration services  

OSER, Fedesco, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMBURG2020, Energies POSIT’IF, Cambridgeshire MLEI, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie


Lack of financial know-how amongst the beneficiaries of the projects You should envisage providing financial advice services  

REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, OSER, Fedesco, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Eco’Energies, Energies POSIT’IF, Cambridgeshire MLEI,  OxFutures, Milan, ENSAMB, Brixton Energy Co-op, SUNShINE, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie, PadovaFIT!



The beneficiaries are unable to ensure financing of their projects or financing terms available on the market are inadequate


The PDU should include financing services into its business model  

OSER, Fedesco, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Energy Fund Den Haag, Energies POSIT’IF, Cambridgeshire MLEI,  OxFutures, EERFS, SUNShINE,  SPEE Picardie, KredEx


Ambition/Targets Difficulty to overcome low level of ambition  

You should look at  models that target 50% and/or 75% reduction of energy consumption


OSER, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Energies POSIT’IF, SUNShINE, SPEE Picardie, KredEx
Lack of financial resources to fund the projects  

You should select models that are limited to 35% reduction of energy consumption


REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, Vlaams Energiebedrijf, Fedesco, Rotterdam Green Buildings, Milan, ENSAMB,

Legal or policy constraints to achieve carbon neutrality


You should look at  models that achieve carbon neutrality Saerbeck
Funding Vehicle Lack of own funds to finance projects  

You should select models that use external funding (Financial Institutions, ESCOs, Utility funds)


All, except Fedesco and Cambridgheshire MLEI, Brixton Energy Co-op and SUNShINE
External financiers are not willing or not interested in financing your projects You should envisage setting up you own Investment fund  

RE:FIT, ESCOLIMBURG2020, Energy Fund Den Haag, Energies POSIT’IF, Cambridgeshire MLEI, OxFutures, EERFS, SUNShINE, KredEx, PadovaFIT!


Customer for EPC/ESC projects require one-stop-shop solutions You should envisage ESCO financing  

REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, Vlaams Energiebedrijf, OSER, Eco’Energies, Rotterdam Green Buildings, Milan, EERFS, PadovaFIT!


Financial instruments  

There are strong requirements to get off-balance or debt deconsolidating solutions in place


You should look at Renting/Leasing, EPC/ESC financing or Forfaiting as financial instruments REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, Vlaams Energiebedrijf, OSER,  Eco’Energies, Cambridgeshire MLEI, Rotterdam Green Buildings, Milan, SUNShINE, PadovaFIT!
Projects do not deliver the required return on investment You should look at additional grants as financial instrument  

REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, OSER, Eandis EDLB, ESCOLIMURG2020, Eco’Energies, Energies POSIT’IF, Saerbeck, OxFutures, Rotterdam Green Buildings, ENSAMB, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie, KredEx, PadovaFIT!



Financial institutions are not interested in financing projects or projects are perceived as being non-bankable


You should look at alternatives such as Equity/Own funds, Grants,Guarantees or EPC/ESC financing All
There are no own funds available  

You should look at Loans, Bonds, Grants, Renting/Leasing, EPC/ESC financing or Forfaiting


All, except Fedesco and Brixton Energy Co-op
Staff requirements There is no possibility to hire any significant staff to operate the PDU


You should look at models that have Low Staff requirements Eco’Energies, Energy Fund Den Haag, Cambridgeshire MLEI, EERFS, KredEx

Equity or funding requirements


There are only limited means available to fund the PDU



You should look at models that have Low Equity or funding requirements



Eco’Energies, Cambridgeshire MLEI, ENSAMB,


Scalability of the model


It seems difficult to grow the size of the energy efficiency program in the current context


You should look at models that are Highly Scalable


REDIBA, BERLIN, RE:FIT, Vlaams Energiebedrijf, Saerbeck, Rotterdam Green Buildings, Milan, ENSAMB, SUNShINE, Warm Up North, SPEE Picardie, KredEx