
Resources Library

This leaflet explains how local authorities can benefit from the project. The document is published in Bulgarian.

This leaflet explains how local authorities can benefit from the project.

„CITYnvest“1 е инициатива, насочена към общини и местни власти с цел да подпомогне разработването на решения за финансиране на проекти за енергийна ефективност и използване на възобновяеми енергийни източници (ВЕИ). В рамките на CITYnvest е... more

The CITYnvest Barriers tool tackles investment barriers when designing your local energy efficiency programs

The barriers guidance tool helps local authorities to overcome specific barriers when designing and implementing their energy... more

Innovative financing models are elaborated constructions with operational and financial components that all have to fit together. The objective of this template is to guide you through all necessary questions you have to ask yourself when... more

На 26 май 2016 година в Смолян ще се проведе Общо събрание на Асоциацията на родопски общини (АРО). По време на събранието ще бъдат обявени резултатите от конкурса „Зелена обществена поръчка на България 2016“, проведен в рамките на проект „Зелени... more

Miguel Casas from Energinvest presented the review of local authority innovative large scale retrofit financing and operational models in the webinar ‘Increasing Capacities in Cities for... more

Pajopower cvba is a renewable energy sources cooperative (REScoop) based in Flanders, Belgium. The cooperative issues shares and invests in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in “het Pajottenland” and “de Zennevallei”, two regions... more

Ecopower cvba is a Belgian renewable energy sources cooperative (REScoop) with 48,000 members. The cooperative issues shares and invests in renewable energy production installations such as wind turbines and solar PV. All citizens are eligible to... more

The  Action Plan aims to:

  • present the current situation in Rhodope Region regarding sustainable energy potential focusing on building retrofitting/RES incorporation and street lighting;
  • present available financing models of... more