Resources Library
Ecopower cvba es una cooperativa belga de fuentes de energía renovable (REScoop), con 48.000 socios. La cooperativa emite participaciones e invierte en instalaciones para la producción de energía renovable, como turbinas eólicas y paneles... more
Pajopower cvba est une coopérative citoyenne d'énergie (REScoop) basée en Flandres, en Belgique. La coopérative émet des actions et investit dans des projets liés aux énergies renouvelables et à l'efficacité énergétique dans « het Pajottenland »... more
Ecopower cvba est une coopérative citoyenne d'énergie (REScoop) belge comptant 48 000 membres. La coopérative émet des actions et investit dans des installations de production d'énergies renouvelables, telles que les éoliennes et les panneaux... more
This interesting presentation shows especially for the Romanian ESCO market some interesting recommendations, as part of the Zebra2020 project. The highlighted Portuguese example model is mentioned by BPIE Romanian expert S. Danciu as very... more
Presentation given by Mihai Dogaru, Commercial Director Veolia, about current challenges regarding EnPC projects with local authoirties in Romania. On the basis of two examples (Craiova and Galati), the different obstacles and lessons learned are... more
The attached article was published in “Mouvement communal”, a magazine edited by “Union of Wallon cities and municipalities”.
This leaflet explains how local authorities can benefit from the project. The document is published in French.
It is essential to have an operational team working on a daily basis on the project (see Toolkit section 9. Operational structure of the... more
This leaflet explains how local authorities can benefit from the project. The document is published in German.
This leaflet explains how local authorities can benefit from the project. The document is published in Spanish.