The European Week of Regions and Cities (OPEN DAYS) is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and... more
All Events
09/10/2017 (All day) to 12/10/2017 (All day)Event occurring in 0 sec
03/10/2017 (All day) to 04/10/2017 (All day)Event occurring in 0 sec
At the Swiss Esco Summit Success stories in Energy Services and Performance Contracting there will be the presentation "RenoWatt, des solutions innovatives pour des rénovations énergétiques dans le secteur public", showing the success of... more
28/09/2017 (All day)Event occurring in 0 sec
The RenoWatt project, which had earlier won this year the prize as "Better European energetic project" will be presented at the Conference "Promoting and Financing Energy Efficiency in Ireland and the United Kingdom", organized by the cadre du... more
27/09/2017 (All day)Event occurring in 0 sec
Rhodoshop project aims at assisting local public authorities and other stakeholders in small sized rural municipalities in Rhodope Region of Bulgaria in successful launching and implementation of sustainable energy projects.
The launch (... more -
27/09/2017 (All day)Event occurring in 0 sec
El próximo 27 de Septiembre en el Museo de San Isidro de Madrid, tendrá lugar un encuentro nacional del Pacto de los Alcaldes en colaboración con el Proyecto Europeo City Invest y el Instituto de Fomento de la Region de Murcia.
Objetivos... more
26/09/2017 -11:00 to 12:30Event occurring in 0 sec
The European Parliament Urban Intergroup and Renovate Group organise the event “Funding for Energy Renovation as a Stimulus for Urban Regeneration” , Room Jan 6Q1 – European Parliament – Brussels.
Miguel Casas, from Energinvest, CITYnvest... more
20/09/2017 - 14:00 to 22/09/2017 - 18:00Event occurring in 0 sec
Join CITYnvest at the CAIC17
- Thursday, 21 September, 11:00 – 13:00 In-situ: Local financing for local energy
- Friday, 22 September, 12:00 – 13:30 Financing stand at the Marketplace
The 2017 International Climate... more
14/09/2017 -10:30 to 12:30Event occurring in 0 sec
The Directorate General for Energy, Industry and Mining (DGEAIM) of the Regional Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment (DGEAIM) is organising s workshop concerning funding schemes available at regional and national level for... more
14/09/2017 - 10:00 to 17/09/2017 - 10:00Event occurring in 0 sec
Friends of the Earth and would like to invite you to the first ever European-wide convergence of citizens working on Energy Democracy.
They want to gather people together to share practical skills on how to create energy... more
13/09/2017 -12:00 to 13:30Event occurring in 0 sec
A presentation of CITYnvest scheduled for the Annual Meeting of Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies (ABEA) to be held on 13 September 2017 where Ivanka Ivanka Pandelieva from the SEC, Sofia Energy Centre, partner in CITYnvest, will speak... more