Two successful innovative and synergetic international initiatives, applied in other continents will be discussed: PACE - and ICP -
PACE or Property Assessed Clean Energy is a financing tool used to pay for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation upgrades to buildings. PACE was pioneered in 2007 in California and it quickly spread across the USA, Canada and Australia. Globally, the PACE market reached $2 billion in completed commercial and residential projects.
The Investor Confidence Project is enabling a marketplace for building owners, project developers, utilities, public programs and investors to trade in standardized energy efficiency projects. ICP Protocols have been included in several state and utility programs (California, New York, Texas). ICP’s energy efficiency protocols are used in Texas as part of a do-it-yourself toolkit for PACE. The largest USA utility is launching a pilot to accelerate energy efficiency retrofits in existing buildings by providing interest-free loans to energy performance contractors who use ICP’s (IREE) certification.