Location: Brussels
An increasing number of EU citizens are taking matters into their own hands: they typically invest in renewable energy (e.g., solar, wind, etc.) and become members of a community energy project. Innovative business models (e.g., REScoops) and innovative financing schemes (e.g., crowdfunding) are emerging and will become increasingly important if EU Member States want to meet their energy targets. By creating a supportive legal context – including a decent support mechanism - policy makers can create a level-playing field for energy citizens to invest in RES and EE projects.
Greenpeace, REScoop.eu, WISE Power and the EU Commission are joining forces to highlight the role of energy citizens in the Energy Union. The conference on 15 June 2016 (09:00-10:30) will gather leading European pioneers and use their experiences to further stimulate a wider implementation and replication of their existing, innovative financing solutions for a wide-scale deployment of a renewables based and energy efficient sector with citizens as prosumers and not only consumers of the current energy system. The event will feature key note speakers at EU level such as members of the European Commission and the European Parliament, other representative organisations, citizens, households, policy makers, representatives of local authorities, community owned renewables energy projects.
Co-organisers: WindEurope, CrowdFundRES, Citizenergy, PV Financing, CITYnvest, Community Power, Cooperatives Europe, Energy Cities, Climate Alliance, ICLEI and Housing Europe.