
Infinite Solutions - Training on innovative financing schemes

Thursday, 23 February, 2017 -
08:30 to 17:30

Location: Brussels

Are you involved in the energy refurbishment of public and/or private buildings?
Do you want to know more about innovative financing schemes?
This event is for you!

Although many cities and regions have engaged into the energy transition, financing sustainable energy measures remains a great challenge. Some project investment costs are high, and covering them by using only municipal budget and traditional financing mechanisms is difficult. Local and regional authorities have to be resourceful and open-minded to invent and test new financing mechanisms, business models, organisational structures and partnerships to make their sustainable energy projects happen. This requires strong technical, financial, legal and coordination skills and expertise in local authorities.

Training objectives: to inform and train participants on how to develop and implement three innovative financing schemes that have been tested by 11 European cities and regions.