On the 18th of October, the Romanian CITYnvest workshop took place in Bucharest. It was organised by CITYnvest in partnership with Finacon. In the first part, Lieven Vanstraelen from Energinvest explained the key ingredients of financing and...
Latest News
7 November, 2016 - 14:31
4 October, 2016 - 14:35
On 27th of September, representatives of local authorities, ESCOs, non-government organisations and policy makers gathered in Nantes to discuss the potential of innovative financing models for building renovations in France.
French local...
3 October, 2016 - 19:17
The Covenant of Mayors is organising a two-day training on financing sustainable local development projects. The training is open to representatives of...
3 October, 2016 - 14:51
The region of Liège and its local authorities have already been committed to improving energy efficiency in public buildings. Prior to the launch of CITYnvest, 8 municipalities, the...
21 September, 2016 - 15:44
Recently, we had a pleasure to publish a guest blog post at the Smart Cities Information System platform. In our post we explain what the origins of the project are and how we would like to make a change in thinking about innovative financing...
16 September, 2016 - 12:39
CITYnvest is a Horizon2020 project focusing on supporting and replicating successful innovative financing models for energy efficiency renovations in buildings. Sounds complex?...
9 August, 2016 - 12:05
Miguel Casas from Energinvest presented the review of local authority innovative large scale retrofit financing and operational models in the webinar ‘Increasing Capacities in Cities for...
2 August, 2016 - 18:22
The Annual Meeting of Association of Bulgarian energy agencies took place on 25 June 2016 in the town of Hissar, Bulgaria.The CITYnvest project was presented by Ivanka Pandelieva who highlighted the...
2 August, 2016 - 11:42
The Action Plan aims to:
- present the current situation in Rhodope Region regarding sustainable energy potential focusing on building retrofitting/RES incorporation and street lighting;
- present available financing models of...
1 August, 2016 - 17:06