Build Up is a European portal for energy efficiency in buildings. It provides public authorities staff with access to many resources on legislation, toolkits and guidelines produced by other cities, regions or countries, and a way to share expertise with their peers. It also links the building sector with the European Institutions by updating information on the legislative framework. The website allows all stakeholders to upload content.
European initiatives
The Concerted Action Energy Efficiency Directive is a forum for exchange of experiences and collaboration supporting effective implementation of the Directive on Energy Efficiency in all EU Member States and Norway. It provides a collection of factsheets and good practices examples, which are searchable by theme.
Covenant of Mayors is a movement involving local and regional authorities, voluntarily committing to increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories. By their commitment, Covenant signatories aim to meet and exceed the European Union 20% CO2 reduction objective by 2020. Covenant's website offers a database of sustainable energy action plans uploaded by local authorities from around Europe, monitoring action plans, toolkits, webinars, as well as technological and methodological materials.
European Commission’s Energy Union page provides information on this EU priority, including relevant documents, factsheets, infographics, communications, etc.
ManagEnergy provides technical support to actors in the public sectors, in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energies, at the local and regional level. ManagEnergy does this through workshops, networking events, gathering case studies and best practice examples and online tool facilitating search of partners.
Mayors Adapt is an initiative that promotes creating and implementing climate adaptation plans as a part of urban planning. It provides technical assistance to support application of adaptation plans, guidance materials and tools, good practices examples and city profile facts sheets.
Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities is an online toolkit designed to help cities to promote and boost their work on integrated sustainable urban development. It is available free of charge to all European local authorities and offers practical support in integrating sustainability principles into local policies and actions. Through the website, local authorities can share their experiences, as well as search in a catalogue and download good practices examples. RFSC also offers several evaluation tools to monitor strategy development, to check integrate approach and to assess progress.
Renovate Europe is an EU-wide campaign that focusses exclusively on ambitious renovation of the building stock in the EU. It aims to be "the voice that bangs the drum for energy efficient renovations", taking a technology neutral, integrated and holistic approach to retrofitting.
Resource Efficient Buildings Study is a project lead by DG ENV and DG GROW and is being carried out by the Commission's Joint Research Centre. The study aims to develop a common EU framework of indicators to assess the environmental performance of buildings. It will be open source, which means that it could be used by building professionals and their clients to prioritise their focus for making environmental improvements, and indirectly by assessment and certification schemes.