SPEE Picardie
Financing Model
The management of the SPEE is ensured by the creation of a personalised agency that plays the role of project management assistant towards residential homeowners. The SPEE ensures following services:
- Advice to residential homeowners (realisation of a thermal audit and proposal of measures)
- Assistance to the execution of the works (support in choosing contractors, follow-up of the measures, post-works follow-up)
- Third party financing ensured by the SPEE or by partner financial institutions (long term loan) in accordance with the debt capacity of the homeowner
- Long term accompaniment and maintenance of the equipment
The SPE has streamlined a process along the following steps:
- Receipt of demands by phone, sorting between simple requests for information and real projects
- On site visit
- Complete thermal diagnosis and determination of scenarios of works
- Contractual agreement with the SPEE
- Request for proposals from and choice of contractors
- Implementation of the financial proposal
- Execution of works (with initial and intermediate meetings)
- Reception (i.e. approval) of works
- Post-works visits (1/year during 5 years)
- Management of financial “events” (defaults, mutations…)
The cost for one technician to accompany 90 households is 50.000 €/year, with 45 projects implemented. 6 technicians where put in place in 2015, with an aim of 12 in 2015, 18 in 2016 and 24 in 2017.
The financing need for the operator of the SPEE is 58 M€ for 2000 projects:
- 50 M€ for the works
- 8 M€ for the operations (agency, renovation technicians, pilot sites, first loss guarantee fund)
The hypotheses on the operator’s financing needs are:
- 8 M€ initial public regional financing grant
- 42 M€ of debt (European Investment Bank and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations)
- 3 M€ contribution to Public Service
- 2 M€ technical assistance (EIB ELENA), still running untill 2017
- 2 M€ valorisation of white certificates (CEE), up to 9% of the amount of works
- 1 M€ CPER (Contrat de Plan Etat-Région) Picardie/FEDER grant
From an initial model of partial integrator/facilitator in which the SPEE coordinated the work of the contractors (for applying the measures) and local partners (for audits and choice of contractors), because of the difficulty to work with the monopoly of banks on financing, a new model was put in place in which the SPEE plays the role of a full integrator, subcontracting the works to the contractors and local partners.
1000 homes renovated through 25 M€ of investments for 50% to 75% savings.
11, mail Albert 1er
80000 AMIENS
- http://www.pass-renovation.picardie.fr
- http://www.picardie.fr/La-Region-cree-le-Service-Public
- 15èmes Assisses de l’Energie, Atelier 5, Création d’une régie personnalisée pour gérer un service public de l’efficacité énergétique en Picardie, 28 Janvier 2014
- Press communication, Le Conseil régional de Picardie crée le Service Public de l’Efficacité Energétique et une régie dédiée : une initiative unique en France Amiens, 15 November 2013
- Pierre Sachsé, Installation de la régie du service public de l’efficacité énergétique en Picardie, Atelier ManagEnergy, Halle PAJOL, 27 March 2014
- Christophe Porquier, Présentation du service public de l’efficacité énergétique en Picardie
- Vincent Piboleu, Présentation du service public de l’efficacité énergétique en Picardie, RDV de l’ADEME, 26 June 2014
- Picardie La Région, Préfiguration d’un service public de l’efficacité énergétique en Picardie, CODIR, 10 September 2013