Location: Brussels, Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU in BrusselsRue Jacques de Lalaing 8-14, 1040 Brussel
The Conference is part of a BMUB project, carried out by Ecofys, to analyse financial instruments at the EU level, private financing, and innovative instruments with a view to the EU 2030 targets. At the Conference, the project’s findings will be presented and ways to improve financing of climate change mitigation measures in the EU discussed. The approach to all discussion points will be constructive, policy- and solution-oriented.
Draft Agenda
9:00 - Reception
10:00 - Opening Words
Dr. Christine Wistuba (confirmed)
Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU (StäV), Counsellor, Head of Unit Environment Policy
10:10 - Introduction to conference
Berthold Goeke (confirmed)
German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUB), Deputy Director General Climate Action Policy
10:20 - Setting the scene: Climate financing in the EU
Moritz Schäfer (confirmed)
Ecofys, Senior Consultant “Energy Policies”
SESSION 1: How can EU public climate finance effectively contribute to climate action at the national level?
Dialogue between EU and Member States (MS) representatives and independent expert: Which climate finance instruments work well? Where are barriers and problems and how to overcome these? How to ensure that climate finance effectively contributes to climate change mitigation?
10:45 - Disbursement of climate funds from EU perspective: which instruments work well, where are barriers?
Dr. Gergana Miladinova (confirmed)
European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy, Team Leader 'Sustainable Growth'
11:00 - Experience with EU climate funds from MS perspective: What are lessons learnt?
Representative of EU Member State (Portugal requested)
11:15 - Experience with EU climate funds from MS perspective: What are lessons learnt?
Representative of EU Member State (Bulgaria requested)
11:30 - How can the climate change mitigation effect of EU climate finance in MS be ensured?
Markus Trilling (confirmed)
CEE Bankwatch Network
11:45 - Panel discussion: How can the effective use of EU climate finance in MS be improved?
SESSION 2: What is needed from climate finance in the EU to effectively contribute towards the achievement of the 2030 targets?
Public finance level: Evaluation/ Lessons learnt from the Climate quota (Midterm review of 2014-2020 MFR). Private finance level: How can the mobilisation of private capital for financing climate action be improved? What role should innovative financing instruments play in this regard? Why is Europe lagging behind other countries in mobilising private capital for climate finance?
13:30 - What are the experiences with the climate quota? Lessons learned from the first period of 2014-2020 MFR
Philip Owen (confirmed)
European Commission, DG Clima, Head of Unit “Climate Finance, Mainstreaming, Montreal Protocol”
13:45 - What role do innovative financing instruments play in achieving the EU 2030 targets?
Martin Berg (confirmed)
European Investment Bank, Investment Officer, Climate and Environment
14:00 - What is needed to increase the use of private climate finance in the EU?
Martin Schoenberg (confirmed)
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, Head of EU Policy
14:15 - Panel discussion: How can public funds and private capital be linked to increase the effectiveness of climate finance in the EU?
Speakers and Lada Strelnikova (EEEF)
15:00 - Conclusion Session and closure of conference
Confirm your participation by sending an email with your name and organisation to: bmubconference@ecofys.com.